Sunday, January 6, 2008

DEATH METAL (part 1)

Death metal is an extreme heavy metal subgenre. It is typically characterized by the use of heavily-distorted guitars, harsh vocals that are low-pitched and/or growled, morbid lyrics, fast-paced rhythms and melodies, and unconventional song structures.

Building off the speed and complexity of thrash metal, and the raw extremities defined in early black metal, death metal came to true prominence by the mid 1980s. and pioneer death metal bands such as Death band Morbid Angel are considered prime influences in the genre. "Formed in 1984 in Florida, Morbid Angel (along with Death) would also help spearhead an eventual death metal movement in their home state" In the late 1980s and early 1990s, death metal gained more media attention as popular record labels like Earache Records and Roadrunner Records began to sign death metal bands at a rapid rate. Is Metal Still Alive? WATT Magazine, Written by: Robert Heeg, Published: April 1993 Since then, death metal has diversified, spawning a rich variety of subgenres. "During the 1990s death metal diversified influencing many subgenres" "The golden years of death metal were from 1988 to 1994, during which time the classics of the genre and all of its variations formed"

Death metal has been met with considerable hostility from mainstream culture, mainly because of the violent themes, imagery and stage personae surrounding many bands. "Investigating the 'death metal' murders" It is typically seen as an underground form of music, in part because it does not appeal to mainstream tastes and because its musicians often choose to remain obscure.

The genre is often identified by fast, highly distorted and downtuned guitars, combined with guitar playing techniques such as palm muting and tremolo picking. The percussion is usually fast and dynamic. Blast beats, double bass and exceedingly fast drum patterns are frequently used to add to the ferocity of the genre. The vocals are often gutteral roars, grunts, snarls, and low gurgles colloquially called death grunts or death growls. This vocal style is sometimes referred to in tongue-in-cheek as Cookie Monster vocals because of the similarity with the popular ''Sesame Street'' character of the same name.

Death metal is known for its abrupt tempo, key, and time signature changes, as well as extremely fast and complex guitar and drumwork. "all the above characteristics are clearly present: abrupt tempo and count changes, on occasion extremely fast drumming, morbid lyrics and growling delivery "A good Death Metal song will keep the listener to the edge of his seat while the song twists and turns through numerous time changes and scale patterns - John Gallagher, Dying Fetus

Death metal may include chromatic chord progressions and a varied song structure, rarely employing the standard verse-chorus arrangement. These compositions tend to emphasize an ongoing development of themes and motifs. "We say death metal is "structuralist" because, in contrast to rock music, its goal is not a recursive rhythm riff that encourages constant intensity through verse-chorus structure" The setup most frequently used in death metal is two guitars, a bass guitar, a vocalist and a drum kit almost universally using two bass drums or a double bass drum pedal. Although this is the standard setup, bands have been known to incorporate other instruments such as electronic keyboards.

Death metal's lyrical themes typically invoke Z-grade slasher movie violence,Moynihan, Michael, and Dirik Søderlind (1998). Lords of Chaos (2nd ed.). but may also extend to contain themes of Satanism, Occultism, mysticism, and/or social commentay.

"However, few practise mysticism and most seem to use it solely as metaphorology for their works"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Nice site!! im a metal fan t0o!